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The first manufactured parts made went into repairing the boat. This was the purpose of this device anyway. Our main computer restarted and soon after Borin appeared. It was good to have her back but I was still angry at being thrust into the stasis pod. I was the captain and it was my place to see to my crew's safety. I did vow that when we got to a safe place the programming that went into this computer would be searched and this directive removed.Borin and I had a long talk after she did her own assessment of her situation. I was told that after I was put into stasis and the special fields energised that she had continued to lure the Suma away. They had followed, probably wanting the weapon we used so effectively on them. The heavy salvo of missiles had struck from their rear. This was too much for all but one ship. The last one had been hit four times but was still serviceable.The fire now on us increased as if they were playing with us before. Hours later a missile and energy. I guess they didn't like that I would leave real marks on their back.But I shouldn't write too much about that. Erica and Willow suspect, but I won't tell them everything, they don't need to know, and their youth and positive attitude is what makes this household, and indeed their whole company so strong. There is something special about a young girl looking forward to life.Of course, it helps when those young girls like to give. I never asked Erica and Willow to try to bring me along. I always thought I'd be left behind on Earth when my great-niece was picked up. I would be the last of my bloodline left on Earth, to stand and hold a flickering candle as the hive spheres came crashing to the ground.Depressing, but one thing I've tried to avoid is holding only unlikely hopes. I guess that's where Erica and Willow did have a lot to teach me. Those two believe. They go out on every mission knowing they will return. They have diverted from an operation to rescue another tank and then.
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